Career & Life Coach

The true feeling of success

What does success meant to you? Define it!

– Is it….to have a certain number in your bank account?

– You want to build something and X amount of people validate and praise it.

– You want to help people. You want to leave a meaningful impact.

– You want to be seen as the leader, the one who pioneered change.

– You want to change lives.

– You want to be acknowledged.

– You want to do something. And you associate that thing with “success.”

– You want to be “remembered” or “known” for something, forever.

Do you know why most people do not become successful? Because their definition of “success” is flawed to begin with. As shown above, they
attach the idea of “success” with something external. It is a mountain peak. A reward. A trophy. An achievement. A view from the top of the
mountain wherein they can say, with complete confidence, “I did it. I am now successful.”

The problem with that is as soon as you reach that point and you call yourself “successful,” you are shifting the focus from an internal
desire to an external achievement–which is dangerous. You are using “success” as a title to define who you are and your own worth.

In addition, you very quickly survey the landscape (from your amazing view) and you see yet another mountain peak. And you then attach again this
idea of “success” to something else. Yes, in order to continue being “successful” you now have to climb the next mountain, and the next

The reason most people don’t become successful is the same reason successful people don’t or can’t even enjoy the success they’ve already

It’s because success, to them, is external. It is outside of them. It’s something they have to reach for, and can only hope to one day obtain.

Instead of seeking validation, what you need to seek is exploration. The true feeling of success is at the heart of what you love. And if that is your
intention, then you could achieve one thing or one hundred things and either way the feeling would remain the same. Because the “feeling” of
success then is internal. It is a love for the journey, not the end result in itself.

In the world of entrepreneurship, business, and anything relating to “ambition” in general, this perspective gets shoved under the rug. In
fact, it’s even looked at as weak. You should aspire for more. You should achieve more. Receive more. More more more.

The irony is that there is already more than enough within you to explore. Curiosity and an interest in your craft is enough. A love for what you
do, day after day, is enough. There is already far more available than you could ever need, and it’s the outward focus that ends up distracting you from
the deeply fulfilling path of wanting to do what you love, every single day.

If you aren’t successful, it’s because you don’t do that.

It’s because your definition of “success” is something that is outside of you.

And true success is found within.

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